An evening where the World Turn’d Upside Down; Where Fools become Princesses for one night.
Where Goblins, Nymphs, Ogres, Bad Faeries and other Creatures of the Night, beyond the realm of human vision, are free to make merry, tempt, seduce, carry out acts of foolishness and wantonness.
Dearest revellers cast aside your thoughts of the next day and abandon yourselves to the excesses of The Goblin King’s Court of Disorder.
We are very proud to announce our special guest Brian Froud, legendary artist and conceptual designer of the 'Labyrinth' and 'Dark Crystal' films.
Also featuring some warped, weird and wonderful creatures from Hellboy 2, courtesy of Creature Effects.
The Goblin King's Court of DisOrder
Saturday 18th September 2010
@ The Cavernous Troll's Chambers under London Bridge
9pm til Late
- Outstanding Live Bands & DJs
- Outlandish and mythical performances from the crème of the underworld
- Walkabout Creatures
- The infamous Goblin Market
- The wondrous 'Night Exhibition'
- Enjoy the Goblin Feast of disturbing dead and half living treats to tantalise the tongue and enslave your taste buds.
- Phantastical decor and set
- Discover other enchanting oddities from the disloyal subjects of the Goblin King.
Important Dress Code : Goblins, Bad Faeries, Pan, Mischievous Nymphs, Unpleasant Pixies, Neo Victorian, Venetian Masks, Steam Punk, Boggarts, Brownies, Dryads, Dark Elves, Fawns, Satyrs, Wicked Giants, Jinn, Ogres, Mab, Sprites, Terrible Trolls, Horrid Harlequins, Misbehaving Imps, Bogeys, Hags, Sylphs, Green Man, May Queen, Spirits of chaos and disorder…
Costumes or formal attire with mask encourage.. Imaginative and elaborate costumes recommended!
For the latest info and tickets please visit :
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